Monday 16 July 2012

‘Blackout’ - BBC1 - Monday 16th July 2012

(Rated 3just/5)

I was hoping things would improve for the final episode but the hoped for complications and twists didn't materialise. Instead confusion reigns. Either what happened is very simple or I'm missing something. Again, this is a case of me longing to love something but feeling let down. I wanted to be on the edge of my seat. I wanted to feel with and for the characters. The actors acted their socks off with a script, which I do think contained some important concerns about the nature of government and mayoral office today - exploring lies we are told and how would it be if someone in that position of power was genuine and wanted to do good? All that is interesting and important and credit to the team for that. But wish we'd been shown more than told! It could have become a cult classic.

Oh and apparently the therapy (of which we had more) wasn't really therapy, which is a relief as it was full of cliches and far too quick recoveries and fixes. Reminds me of the nature of the most popular therapy used by the NHS today! Maybe again showing us a system that simply doesn't work. If that was deliberate then well done :)

I'm so sorry but for me too superficial to be very good and a poor relation to The Shadow Line.

Blackout – Review by TheRestrictedReviewer © 2012

Twitter: @RestrictReview

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